Assirm è l’Associazione nata nel 1991 che riunisce le aziende italiane che svolgono Ricerche di Mercato, Sondaggi di Opinione e Ricerca Sociale. 

Assirm organizza numerosi momenti di confronto e approfondimento sui trend, le dinamiche del mercato e i nuovi modelli di ricerca, per fare il punto sull’attualità, dando uno sguardo al futuro. Occasioni di confronto e networking. 

Assirm conferma la centralità del proprio ruolo sociale a supporto delle Imprese e del Sistema Paese, offrendo una proposta formativa di alta qualità, facilmente accessibile e fruibile, pensata per favorire il progresso dei professionisti di oggi e di domani. 

Rimani sempre aggiornato sul mondo delle Ricerche e i suoi protagonisti. 

Il Centro Studi e Formazione Assirm nasce nel dicembre 2005 con lo scopo di sviluppare la cultura professionale della Ricerca di Mercato e Sociale, e di promuoverne l’immagine e il valore presso i committenti e l’opinione pubblica. 

Nota Stampa ISO/TC225 – Aggiornamenti Standard ISO 19731 e 20252

12 Ottobre 2016

Over three days in October, research experts from around the world representing numerous countries and research associations gathered in Madrid at AENOR (Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certificacion), the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification.

Working groups of the ISO Technical Committee 225 (TC 225), which has responsibility for the market, opinion and social ISO research standards, met to discuss and consider two standards.

  • ISO /DIS 19731: Digital analytics and web analyses for purposes of market, opinion and social research — Vocabulary and service requirements
  • ISO 20252: 2012: Market, opinion and social research – vocabulary and service requirements

Upon conclusion of the Working Group meetings, we are very pleased to announce that ISO/DIS 19731, which focuses on digital analytics and web analyses in market, opinion and social research (MOSR), has been completed. This standard covers topics such as project management requirements, proposals and tenders, and project execution. This standard will be formalized, translated, and made available to the global research industry early in 2017. We will share precise dates as these become available from ISO.

As with ISO 20252 and ISO 26362, this new standard will help both service providers and buyers at all stages of the process. Buyers who have less experience with digital analytics and web analyses can refer to this detailed framework in order to understand the various important aspects of these processes. They can now equip themselves with a comprehensive list of the important topics they should be aware of when buying and planning services involving digital analytics and web analyses including such things as confidentiality, subcontracting, complaints, data analysis, participant safeguards, reporting, data retention and ownership. In addition, service providers can use the standard to ensure that they are incorporating appropriate and comprehensive quality processes.

The second working group meeting tackled a revision of ISO 20252: 2012 with the aim of improving navigability with clearly defined, separate areas to support the various sectors within the market, social, and opinion research industry. The ISO updating process will take some time, and those research service suppliers working towards certification to either ISO 20252 or ISO 26362 should keep going.  All the current requirements will be in the new combined standard, plus new additions that reflect the changes in research practices, including leading edge technologies, since the standards were finalised in 2012 and 2009.  By ensuring that the current obligations are being met, research service providers will be much better prepared to adapt their systems to the new requirements once the revised ISO 20252 standard comes on stream, which will be 2018 at the very earliest.

The website,  will continue to be used to keep stakeholders updated about the changes to the standards, and all news will be reported by social media. To keep up to date, follow the associated Twitter account,

Press Contact:

Don Ambrose, International Chair – ISO/TC 225 Market, opinion and social research

Annie Pettit. Chair – Canadian Advisory Committee to ISO/TC225