Assirm è l’Associazione nata nel 1991 che riunisce le aziende italiane che svolgono Ricerche di Mercato, Sondaggi di Opinione e Ricerca Sociale. 

Assirm organizza numerosi momenti di confronto e approfondimento sui trend, le dinamiche del mercato e i nuovi modelli di ricerca, per fare il punto sull’attualità, dando uno sguardo al futuro. Occasioni di confronto e networking. 

Assirm conferma la centralità del proprio ruolo sociale a supporto delle Imprese e del Sistema Paese, offrendo una proposta formativa di alta qualità, facilmente accessibile e fruibile, pensata per favorire il progresso dei professionisti di oggi e di domani. 

Rimani sempre aggiornato sul mondo delle Ricerche e i suoi protagonisti. 

The Association is active on several fronts and there are numerous projects of common interest that require collective reflection and action. There are currently a number of HUBs, Working Groups that involve Associates in activities useful for the presidium of priority areas and issues, identified by the Board of Directors, which can be joined at any time:

Communication | Manager/ Coordinator: Marco Barilli (Toluna)

Members: Fabrizio Masia (EMG), Veronica Pietrandrea(CSA), Anna Montescuro (SCENARI), Sara Pelligrini (GMR), Giovanni Lovati (DENTSU), Barbara Rolandi (DENTSU), Stefano Lali (IZI), Ennio Armato (FFIND);

The Group is active in planning the Association’s communication activities and developing activities in a systematic way towards the main stakeholders: Current Members, Potential Members, Investors/Buyers, People at Large. On the occasion of the Association’s 30th anniversary, among its main objectives is the Rebranding of Assirm:

  • Affirm Assirm’s shared and identity values
  • Strengthen positioning while engaging stakeholders
  • Image and logo renewal

Training | Managers and Coordinators: Isabella Cecchini (IQVIA) and Marco Barilli (Toluna)

Members: Gennaro Di Costanzo(SCENARI), Laura Fusi (CIRCANA), Gerardo Petraglia (DOXA), Fabrizio Pavone(QBERG), Luigi Giampaoli (GMR), Ariella Greco (DOXA);

This Hub aims to create a permanent knowledge capital, through the creation of an e-learning platform, delivering information and training content to protect our Industry, available to Members and all stakeholders. Under study is the site content tree and thematic paths to be developed, the technology (a platform that can be integrated into the new Assirm website) and the production format to be used, as well as the business model to be developed.

Associative Marketing | Managers/ Coordinators: Daniele Abbate (Bilendi)

Members: Stefano De Vita (SISAL), Fabrizio Morandi (FIELDGOOD), Vladi Tomaselli (DEMETRA), Roberta Stefanutto (CIRCANA), Ennio Armato (FFIND), Nicola Ronchetti (FINER);

The Association is all the stronger the more inclusive and representative it becomes and the more participatory its Members and potential Members are. The entry of new and different players, who can give voice and added value, highlights how fast the world of research is evolving. Therefore, we want to continue on the path of broadening the member base, on the principles of quality and consistent with our mission, ensuring the active participation of all Members. To this end, we are working on:

  • Broadening the base, new opportunities.
  • Investigation of the needs of Members and potential Members
  • – Revisiting and differentiating the Association’s Unique Value Proposition
  • Possible new areas for broadening the base

Pharma | Managers/ Coordinators: Isa Cecchini (IQVIA) and Piergiorgio Rossi (SGR International)

Members: Stefania Fregosi (Ipsos); Luigi Giampaoli (Pharmagrin).

This hub is dedicated to the world of pharmaceutical research, specifically:

  • Updating Assirm Guidelines
  • Organizing Assirm Talk Pharma, a digital event inaugurated in 2020
  • Legislative monitoring for the industry: Sunshine Act; Farmindustria Directiv
  • Associational marketing for the involvement of non-Assirm Pharma companies


Labor Relations | Manager and Coordinator: Matteo Lucchi (Eumetra MR)

Members: Lino Coscione (Teleperformance); Luigi Giampaoli (Pharmagrin); Roberto Respinti (Consultant);

The Group manages relations with union representatives with the aim of renewing the National Collective Agreement for the regulation of exclusively personal collaborations in the market research sector.


Institutional Relations | Manager and Coordinator: Matteo Lucchi (Eumetra MR) and Piergiorgio Rossi (Sgr International)